To understand why Jehovah God created life in the whole world we need to know His word with accurate sense and with positive attitude as a realistic, honest and wise person. In the holy Bible it is
written that when Jehovah God created the world He said “this is good” after each creative day.
Genesis chapters.1-3, according to human’s experience and observation life is very hard most of the time, especially before few 100 years ago people had experience and observation about very difficult
problems and most of them are still existing like death, different kinds of suffering, hardship and hurtfulness including shortage and lacking of facilities and resources, natural disasters, war prejudice,hate, plagues,different kind of religions, cultures, values and moral values. All of these cause very hurtful difficulties among God’s creations.
This is the reason that some people may think why did Jehovah God record that whatever He created is good?
According to the holy Bible it is written that whatever is created visible or invisible was created
through Jesus and for Jesus Colossians.1:15-17, Hebrews. 1: 2-4 While Jesus was on the earth as a great teacher of the holy scriptures, he explained different things to make helpful and understood his teachings. Jesus made helpful visible and invisible things to make understood the purpose of creation and life to his followers. Matthews Chapters.7-11 According to the Biblical record before Jesus’ stay on the earth and after Jesus’ stay on the earth different people described different things in symbolic way that revealed their purpose beside of the biblical knowledge in worldly history people also used and explained different creative things as symbols.
According to the Holy Bible during seven thousands of years our Creator Jehovah God proved that what is good and what is bad for His creations during imperfect system, so before our Creator Jehovah
God will make the final decision that what and who is able for perfect and eternal life, through providing different facts and evidences He proved that what and who is able to remain forever and how. Our lives depend on our Creator and Provider of life Jehovah God so it’s very good and important to obey Jehovah God that we can live perfect life.
So I want to request to the world-wide faithful, wise, honest sensible, reasonable, honorable and responsible people that they should make helpful their experiences, observations, knowledge and circumstances that what is acceptable, beneficial, good without harm and hurtful for themselves and for
their fellow-people to time to-indefinite without falsehood, deception, selfishness, prejudice and partiality people should not care just for themselves but they should be caring about their fellow-people as well, according to Jehovah’s guidance.
Whether we are meek ones or we are mighty and exalted people our life depends on obedience to our Creator God Jehovah’s guidance with full truthfulness, honesty, purity and impartiality. To obey Jehovah God we need sensibility to understand His guidance as Jehovah God provided His guidance through creation, biblical knowledge and history and secular knowledge and history.
Those people who are living in these kind of countries or they are living among these kind of people who do not believe that there is a Creator who created them or they do not care about their Creator’s guidance either intentionally or through ignorance, through biblical history it is proven that those people who obeyed God Jehovah’s guidance through Jehovah’s proper and able arrangement Jehovah saved them from very bad hard circumstances and make them able to live better life. Like Moses proved himself respectful, obedient and humble toward the mission that Jehovah God granted him and also Moses was very caring about afflicted ones and he did want to help to helpless ones. Exodus. 2:11, 3:2-21
Like wise if we give wholesome devotion and honor to Jehovah God and to His arrangement.
Jehovah God will appoint us to save and preserve life with very good conditions in Jesus’ lead
as his followers. Matthew. 19 : 29, 28 : 18-20. This is depends on people’s circumstances, limitations,
abilities and opportunities that they are able to help in Jehovah’s honorable and responsible arrangement or they need help to acknowledge and follow Jehovah’s arrangement. Being a faithful people if we are not able to apply the wisdom that Jehovah God granted us to help people so we should pray for anyone whom Jehovah God thinks is able and honest enough to apply Jehovah’s wisdom to help deserving people. Jehovah God will put in his or her mind wisdom and make them able that they can realise that to apply Jehovah’s wisdom is life-saving and Jehovah God make all of us able who want to apply Jehovah’s wisdom in all aspects that as honest, true and responsible Christians we can apply Jehovah’s wise and perfect wisdom
As those people who were disrespectful toward Jehovah and His arrangement who are not able to enter the promised land. Jehovah killed all rebellious ones who were above twenty years of age but because of Moses’ humble request Jehovah let Israelite’s faithful generation reach the promised land even-though Jehovah gave to Moses the privilege that He will make Moses a great nation and Israelite will be known with Moses’ name but Moses gave preference to give glory to Jehovah because Moses thought that Egyptians and the nations that surrounded the Israelites will mock that Jehovah is not able to make possible to Israelite that they can reach promised land. Though Moses did want to give glory to Jehovah God but he did not realise that during the forty years while the Israelites were in wilderness surrounding nations did mock Jehovah God and His nation. Since Moses’ purpose was righteous so Jehovah let the Israelite nation remain but Jehovah did not let Moses to enter into the promised land even though Moses was not rebellious still Moses did not object to Jehovah’s decision. Moses humbly accepted Jehovah’s decision because Moses knew if he would remain faithful to Jehovah, Jehovah will grant him glorious resurrection for a very glorious and great reward. Deuteronomy. 9 :22-29, Hebrews.3:16-19.
During imperfect system all people have experienced that those people who live their life according to law or they live a disciplined life they live a better life compared to those people who live without proper law and discipline. Jehovah God provided us a perspective of life with and without law.
We have observed the law of the jungle this does not just belong just to animals’ life in the jungle but this is also belongs to undeveloped people who have not proper guidance. In these Societies where most of the people because of unawareness lived their lives like animals and insects and their unwise, selfish and unreasonable people abused their own rights and limitations and also their fellow-people’s rights and limitations as in jungle creatures have no right and sense to protect themselves. Since in these kind of Societies’ people do not care and protect their rights according to Jehovah’s guidance so no one is secure among them. Whenever people have chance to rebel against injustice that they are facing, against this injustice they will do whatever they can do as wild and rebellious person.
However wherever we are, we need to obey and make compromises, with our family members and with our beloved ones. We have to obey and cooperate with those people to whom we do not like so we should be wise enough that we should obey who is Greater then all and He is The Almighty our Creator Jehovah God and He can helps us in all kinds of circumstances and situations. we obey Him or not this is true that we depend at Him in our life’s all matters. Matthew. 5:45 so this is good if we are obedient and thankful of Jehovah God as if we are doing good toward people and we are helping people, in reply if they insult us and disobey us this is very hurtful for us and also this insulting and un thankful behavior is not good and beneficial for un-thankful and rebellious people because then no any kind of welfare and help will proved to be helpful for them, as all good mannerly people use words please and thanks to show appreciation and respect to the fellow people in their daily life’s dealings we should be respectful and appreciative toward our Creator Jehovah God not just because He is Provider of life and all good things as God Almighty but He proved Himself very reasonable. James.1:17-18 since Jehovah God proved Himself reasonable through provided us all proofs and evidences that what is good and bad for us we should not be unreasonable to refused whatever is very obvious in regard to apply to Jehovah’s life-saving guidance. If we can not see in past or we can not believe that is mentioned in worldly history and in biblical history as facts that make us realise that there is God who is created us and the whole world with very good abilities and skills. We should make present realities and facts as help, Jehovah God created His creations and creatures most of with living abilities like sensibility,good and bad emotions and sentiments and feelings, learning and teaching abilities and skills, because of our memory’s abilities we can know and think about our past and as wise person we can make better decisions, living creatures are created with acknowledgment that they can observe dangers and they are able to protect them, Jehovah God created lifeless creations as well though these creations are lifeless but these are helping as well that life can sustain and remain and these are also source of Jehovah’s guidance. Isaiah. 55: 8-11, 11: 9, Jesus is Jehovah’s first and best creation Jehovah created Jesus as master worker to create the whole invisible and visible world. Colossians.1:15-17, 2 :2-3, Hebrews.1: 2-4, among Jehovah’s creatures that Jehovah created through Jesus angles, spirits and humans are more sensible then species creatures or life. Genesis.1:26, Matthew. 5:48, as this is written in the holy Bible be perfect as your heavenly Father so if we apply Jehovah’s guidance we will be without sin, fault and default and we will be able to achieve perfect and eternal life in Jehovah perfect kingdom. Matthew.6:9-10,
The moral values that Jehovah God taught us through Jesus these proved His wisdom. Matthew. Chapters.5-11 and these helpful values can remain forever to help humans in their daily practical life since whatever is helpful will never become useless or this proved as useless thing, Jesus also taught us what we should consider as most important in our life’s all aspects and matters. Mark.8:30-37
Matthew. 4:4
All creations and creatures are proofs that there is God as what ever we can observe around us that made by humans these are witness of Creator as well since whatever we can acknowledge is nothing made by itself, these are houses and all things that are in humans’ daily life’s use. Hebrews. 3:4 ,once
we acknowledged that there is God then we should give Him wholesome devotion and respect ,since all people will depend at our Creator Jehovah God until they live so this is wisdom, honesty and reasonable that we make people aware about Jehovah God and about His perfect guidance as our best benefit that will last forever. Deuteronomy.6:4-8, Matthew.22 :37, 1.John. 5 : 3-4. As responsible Christians with Jehovah’s perfect guidance we make ourselves perfect examples when people have proper reasoning with proper knowledge, evidences and proofs that Jehovah’s guidance is best, they will apply Jehovah’s guidance in their present life and they are able to make themselves able to live forever in perfect earthly land Psalms. 37: 29 since Jehovah will make the earth perfect in His kingdom .Jehovah God appointed Jesus and his anointed ones that they will make life perfect in all aspects. Isaiah.32:1-4, 35:5,6,8, 49:8-10, Revelation .21:3-5, this is very important that all people have a chance to know and apply Jehovah’s perfect guidance. Since this is written in the holy Bible that without proper knowledge people are perishing. Malachi. 2:7, to know about Jehovah and Jesus and apply their guidance is everlasting life. John. 17:3
Because of different religions and beliefs people are divided and they are not agree and united to worship true God so this is very important that people search impartial,definite and clear source that is from their Creator to acknowledge that what is accurate and perfect as life’s ordinance, with their humble,honest and righteous and respectful heart they should pray to Jehovah God. Jehovah God will listen to righteous ones prayers that they prayed for righteous purpose. Proverbs. 28:9, 15: 29 since Jehovah God gave this privilege to sensible ones that they can pray through Jesus. Psalms.65: 2, John.15 :16
People think that after accomplishment of Jehovah’s word that known as the holy Bible, there is no need to performed any miracles nor we need any help through angle but Jehovah helped the Israelite nation through angel and miracles after they received Jehovah’s law. Judges.6: 11-22, Matthew.1:20-24
Matthew.2: 13. If people think that about Jesus earthly birth through Jewish chaste virgin angle have to tell them as proof and also that time the holy scriptures were not complete.1.Corinthians.13:8-10, so we are also still facing imperfection, even-though true Christians are very sincere in their Godly-devotion they found very hard to help people that to make them realised that to know and to apply Jehovah’s life-saving wisdom is very important so if we have proofs that we are from our Creator Jehovah God this is very good. This is also true that some people are confused to accept biblical knowledge because they can not understand biblical knowledge since not just about biblical knowledge but also in different religions people have different beliefs, to help them if we have very conformed source like miracles and if is possible or proper time that Jehovah will sent His angle to verify about that what is from their Creator Jehovah God, some people are may be not aware about Jehovah God but with honesty with biblical knowledge they can find that who is their Creator since just in the holy Bible is mentioned that how God created the heavens and earth and all creations including Adam and Eve first human couple Genesis. Chapters.1-3 also just in the holy Bible is mentioned the prophecies that were fulfilled at appointed time. Daniel. Chapters.1-2, Jehovah God prophesied many prophecies in the holy Bible to make people aware about future and also He provided evidence that He is God Almighty Who is a Revealer of secrets that when these prophecies will fulfilled people can know that Jehovah is true God,people can read about these prophecies in the holy Bible and their can verify about these prophecies from worldly historical records also the moral values that are written in the holy Bible are the best values Deuteronomy.5: 8-21, Leviticus. Chapters.17-20,according to Micah.6:6-8 Jehovah revealed His expectations to human kind that what they should be though in Law is this mentioned that love your God whole heart and whole soul and whole mind but this is not mean that He is selfish but He want His faithful people should be good about their fellow-people this is the reason through Jesus and his anointed ones He provided very helpful wisdom since with this accurate knowledge that providing to faithful people help,security and justice this make people united, also about future biblical knowledge is accurate,sensible reasonable and realistic, in the holy Bible Jehovah God recorded that Jesus will resurrected the dead ones from tomes since resurrection will occurred on the earth because if after death people went to heaven in hell or in paradise so there is no need to wait for resurrection’s day for resurrection and judgment day so through biblical knowledge this is very clear and obvious that Jehovah is entire world’s Creator. Isaiah.42: 5-8 even-though we can request to Jehovah God in our prayer if this is not sin or rebelliousness please help us according to our circumstances that we can proved your wisdom is best that You provided us through Your holy word the holy Bible. Matthew. 6 :8
since Jehovah can decide better that what is good for us as our help from Him in our all situations and circumstances also Jehovah does not want that evil and selfish people take any wrong advantage from any provisions that He granted we know that Jesus helped his wise, honest and humble followers to explained the deep and accurate means of his teachings so this is good and wise that we depend at Jehovah because He know what is good for us and when is good for us and through whom He will proved and provide that what is good for us so we can pray that if is good that Jehovah provide us help through His angle or miracle this is depends at Him since we do not want that dangerous, selfish,unwise, unreasonable, senseless,dishonest people take any wrong and selfish advantage from the provision and opportunities that Jehovah God provided since because of miracles and angles if people will accept being a Jehovah’s worshipers and they ignored and rejected Jehovah’s word that through His humble, able,wise and honest people He proved that is truly helpful and applicable according to time or period and according to their needs in very obvious and reasonable reasoning and sense then this is not justice that these kind of selfish and self-pride people take place among Jehovah’s loyal ,honest, faithful,respectful and obedient people, especially until selfish and dishonest people bring positive changing in their attitude according to God Jehovah’s perfect guidance.
Since this is written in the holy Bible that whatever you are eating or drinking and doing any thing else do all things for God Jehovah’s glory.1.Corinthians. 10:31. because when we aimed to make people realise that they should trust at their Creator Jehovah God we are making possibilities to gain help from Jehovah God because whatever is possible to us Jehovah God will make this possible for us so whenever Jehovah God requires that we should obey Him this is not because He is selfish but with proper and perfect guidance He want saves us from all kind of problems. Whatever we know from biblical holy scriptures about Jehovah God this is revealed that Jehovah God not depend on any thing or He has no any need, He no need to eat, drink or sleep or use any thing as His need.
Jehovah God created life, creations and all creatures without any selfish reason because He not depends on any need He created life, creations and creatures that His creations can enjoy life
time to indefinite
This is the reason He provided first imperfect system to make His creations realise that what is good,
protective and applicable time to indefinite without any problem because He created most of His creations with free will that they are created with this ability that they can accept and they can refuse whatever they want though He created His sensible creatures with free will but according to time and needs He provided proper guidance as well that they can use their free will for their welfare and in favour of themselves and they can save themselves from all kind of hurtfulness including their fellow-people since this is not proper that sensible creatures desire and show any kind of selfishness and unreasonable attitude toward their fellow-people this is not good toward all of us that we desire any thing that make us hate-able and unacceptable, people should not desire any thing that make them hateful either because when people faced rejection or disliking toward themselves they become hateful and revangerous this caused very dangerous and hurtful situation among people so people should be wise enough that through Jehovah’s perfect guidance they should make themselves respectable and acceptable so if they are not able they should not forced people that people should accept them and respect them so this is true that our Creator Jehovah God is not selfish or unreasonable but whatever is good and harmless for His creations He is making possible to His sensible and honest creations with proofs and reasoning.
Since the whole imperfect system is as trial period as proof that what is good and bad that creations can decide with full truth and honesty that what they should chose to apply time to indefinite to live good life with security, peace,respect and prosperity since they have proper reasons with proofs and evidences to obey Jehovah God with truthfulness, with thankful and respectful attitude so Jehovah God will provide to all His faithful people all sort of good things that He think and He proved that is good for His faithful people time to indefinite
Through human’s history and through biblical history people know that when they know about their Creator what kind of situation and circumstances they have to faced and when they do not know about their Creator what kind of situation and circumstances they have to faced and when they have guidance from their Creator and they can apply this guidance what kind of situation they have to faced and people have experience and observation that when they have no any guidance especially when they have no clear proof that this guidance this from their Creator so what kind of situation they have to faced and people have experience and observation that when people intentionally ignored or rejected their Creator Jehovah God’s guidance for their selfishness, self-righteousness and self-pride. Luke.4: 16-30, what kind of situation they have to faced and what kind of situation they caused and what they lost that was their reward and people have experience that when they have proper guidance from their Creator Jehovah God and they are agree to apply this life-saving guidance with their thankful heart but they have no chance to apply and also some time and in some places people even can not speak about Jehovah’s guidance and to make aware about Jehovah’s guidance to their fellow-people because selfish people think that they will lose their importance or authority if people trust and depend at Jehovah God but I think if people are enough wise they should take refuge in Jehovah’s mighty and protective arrangement to exalt themselves in real sense and for time to indefinite because when people will desire from their responsible and reasonable people to help and guide them with respectful and thankful attitude because they have proof that whatever their responsible people are guiding them this is very good, helpful and beneficial with all sort of security for themselves, this is real exaltation for all of them since they are good people so they can also provide security for themselves and for their followers time to indefinite since they have protection from Jehovah God So I think all sort of people should search and apply Jehovah’s guidance to give themselves stability in every matter. this is the reason I wrote this literature to help people with Jehovah’s perfect guidance
I also wrote messages to my relatives and world-wide important personalities that they should use their best abilities to introduce Jehovah’s wisdom and kingdom and I also wrote messages to Christians
brothers and sisters to appreciate their whole soul Godly-devotion and make help of their follow-able
From biblical knowledge when people acknowledge about Jehovah’s judgment and justice they should not consider this cruelty and unreasonable since all sensible and reasonable people are agreed to apply the law that is for the protection and security in all the counties same Jehovah God also has right to provide justice and security to protect His all inosense and faithful people .
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